Wings and wells.

I’d already made up the tail light from a piece of clear sprue, drilled a small hole and popped some red paint in there. Then filed, sanded and micromeshed to this: Other jobs done were:
Filled the fuselage seams.
A bit of foil detail to the main gear well
Fitted the main gear doors adding some plastic tabs for support then filling, sanding etc.

Also fitted the wings without much fuss – quite a good fit actually. A good join to the gear well walls.
Miliput was needed to fill the gap on the underside along the curved outer edge and the outer wing pieces (#22).
The underside, right at the front of the wing root, around the landing lights, was pretty poor, with no attempt for the wings to fill the gap. Another one on the list for filling, along with some minor filling along the top wing root.At the back, I’ve discarded the bump-wheel well and scratched a bulkhead along these lines:
to which I’ll add a scratch built bumper wheel.
As you can see I’ve also re-sprayed the gear wells in Humbrol 93 (desert yellow).

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